Bai Juyi: Overnight Autumn Solitude, For Many Years Have Not Been Here at Mt. Xiang Temple: No. 3

Overnight Autumn Solitude, For Many Years Have Not Been Here at Mt. Xiang Temple: Three Four-Line Poems: No.3

石 盆 泉 畔 石 树 头
十 二 年 来 昼 夜 游。
更 过 今 年 年 七 十
假 如 无 病 亦 宜 休。
Wu Nian Qiu Bing Hou Du Su Xiang Shan Si San Jue Ju


Shi pen quan pan shi shu tou
Shi er nian lai zhou ye you.
Gen guo jin nian nian qi shi
Jia fu wu bing yi yi xiu.


Overnight Autumn Solitude, For Many Years Have Not Been Here at Mt. Xiang Temple: Three Four-Line Poems: No.3


Rocky basins and temple tops at Mt. Xiang springhead waters
Twelve years ago I arrived after traveling day and night.
This year I pass by here at the age of seventy
Even though I am without illness, still it is time to retire.

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