Du Fu: Arts and Skills of Li Bai During Spring Days

The Arts and Skills of Li Bai During Spring Days

春 日 忆 李 白
白 也 诗 无 敌
飘 然 思 不 群;
清 新 庾 开 府
俊 逸 鲍 参 军。
渭 北 春 天 树
江 东 日 暮 云;
何 时 一 榑 酒
重 与 细 论 文?
Chun Ri Yi Li Bai

Bai ye shi wu di
Piao ran si bu qun;
Qing xin yu kai fu
Jun yi bao can jun.

Wei bei chun tian shu
Jiang dong ri mu yun;
He shi yi fu jiu
Chong yu xi lun wen?


The Arts and Skills of Li Bai During Spring Days

Li Bai poems without peers
Floating in the air, he is not a part of worldly groups.
Like Kaifu, his fighting style clear and fresh
General Bao very handsome when he joined the army.

Your spring days and trees within northern rivers
I watch sunset clouds along eastern rivers;
When can we meet again to drink fusang wine
Then we can again spin our exquisite ideas and theses?



[Du Fu traveled with Li Bai for a while around Luoyang, Henan Province. Along the way they also met the poet Gao Shi.]

Kaifu: A Zhou Dynasty army general with a bold and fearless battle style.

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