Du Fu: Mr. Fang: Trainer of Barbarian Cavalry Horses

Mr. Fang: Trainer of Barbarian Cavalry Horses

房 兵:曹 胡 马
胡 马 大 宛 各
锋 棱 瘦 骨 成。
竹 批 双 耳 峻
风 入 四 蹄 轻。
所 向 无 空 阔
真 堪 托 死 生。
骁 腾 有 如 此
万 里 可 横 行。


Fang Bing Cao Hu Ma

Hu ma da wan ge
Feng leng shou gu cheng.
Zhu pi shuang er jun
Feng ru si ti qing.

Suo xiang wu kong kuo
Zhen kan tuo si sheng.
Xiao teng you ru ci
Wan li ke heng xing.


Mr. Fang: Trainer of Barbarian Cavalry Horses

Barbarian horses come from the famous Da Wan region
So lean, their muscles and bones like the leading edges of swords.
Both ears harshly stand erect like strong bamboo
Four hooves gracefully move and slice through the wind.

Run towards places that are empty and vast
Rider concerns for life and death unnecessary.
I should be like this, brave and galloping wherever I please
On a rampage for thousands of miles.



Da Wan region: Area in western China populated by a non-Han minority.

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