Han Yu: Peach Blossom Water Source Picture

Han Yu: Peach Blossom Water Source Picture
Han Yu

Peach Blossom Water Source Picture


神 仙 有 无 何 眇 芒
桃 源 之 说 诚 荒 唐。
流 水 盘 回 山 白 转
生 绡 数 幅 垂 中 堂。

武 陵 太 守 好 事 者
题 封 远 寄 南 宫 下。
南 宫 先 生 忻 得 之
波 涛 入 笔 驱 文 辞。

文 工 画 妙 各 臻 极
异 境 恍 惚 移 于 斯。
架 岩 凿 谷 开 宫 室
接 屋 连 墙 千 万 日。

赢 颠 刘 蹶 了 不 闻
地 坼 天 分 非 所 恤。
种 桃 处 处 惟 开 花
川 原 近 远 蒸 红 霞。

初 来 犹 自 念 乡 邑
岁 久 此 地 还 成 家。
渔 舟 之 子 来 何 所
物 色 相 猜 更 问 语。

大 蛇 中 断 丧 前 王。
群 马 南 渡 开 新 主。
听 终 辞 绝 共 凄 然
自 说 经 今 六 百 年。

当 时 万 事 皆 眼 见
不 知 几 许 犹 流 传。
争 持 酒 食 来 相 馈
礼 数 不 问 樽 俎 异。

明 月 伴 宿 玉 堂 空
骨 冷 魂 清 无 梦 寐。
夜 半 金 鸡 啁 哳 鸣
火 轮 飞 出 客 心 惊。

人 间 有 累 不 可 住
依 然 离 别 难 为 情。
船 开 棹 进 一 回 顾
万 里 苍 苍 烟 水 暮。
世 俗 宁 知 伪 与 真
至 今 传 者 武 陵 人。

Tao Yuan Tu

Shen xian you wu he miao mang
Tao yuan zhi shuo cheng huang tang.
Liu shui pan hui shan bai zhuan
Sheng xiao shu fu chui zhong tang.

Wu ling tai shou hao shi zhe
Ti feng yuan ji nan gong xia.
Nan gong xian sheng xin de zhi
Bo tao ru bi qu wen ci.

Wen gong hua miao ge zhen ji
Yi jing huang hu yi yu si.
Jia yan zao gu kai gong shi
Jie wu lian qiang qian wan ri.

Ying dian liu jue liao bu wen
Di che tian fen fei suo xu.
Zhong tao chu chu wei kai hua
Chuan yuan in yuan zheng hong xia.

Chu lai you zi nian xiang yi
Sui jiu ci di huan cheng jia.
Yu zhou zhi zi lai he suo
Wu se xiang cai geng wen yu.

Da she zhong duan sang qian wang
Qun ma nan du kai xin zhu.
Ting zhong ci hue gong qi ran
Zi shuo jing jin liu bai nian.

Dang shi wan shi jie yan jian
Bu zhi ji xu you liu chuan.
Zheng chi jiu shilai xiang kui
Li shu bu wen zun zu yi.

Ming yue ban su yu tang kong
Gu leng hun qing wu meng mei.
Ye ban lin ji zhao zha ming
Huo lun fei chu ke xin jing.

Ren jian you lei bu ke zhu
Yi ran li bie nan wei qing.
Chuan kai zhao jin yi hui gu
Wan li cang cang yan shui mu.
Shi su ning zhi wei yu zhen
Zhi jin chuan zhe wu ling ren.


Peach Blossom Water Source Picture

Deities and immortals do not have solid forms
Talk of the peach blossom water source is allegorical.
Returning into the mountains is full of one hundred bends on swirling and flowing river water
Upon a sketch, various silk threads, embroidered picture inside a main hall.

Wuling mayor has many good people and things
Picture finished already sent far away to the southern palace.
Some person in Nangong was the first person to receive this work of art
Like large waves, the palace literati astir about it to write their poems.

Painters and workers of cultural objects believe this wonderful work on the highest level
Looking at the picture in a trance, I suddenly leave earthly boundaries.
Initial building of palace rooms utilized valley stone and chisels
After a million days, more and more walls became connected.

Qin then Han dynasties destroyed into silence
Earth split open, sky separated and yet the Tang not worried about what is inevitable.
One can paint these sacred peach trees anywhere in order to enjoy their blossoms
Originally all rivers near and far evaporate into the rosy clouds of dawn.

Arriving here, naturally think of my hometown city
After a long time, feel this land compares well to the place I was born and raised.
All the fishing boats arrive at the same place
Looking about, palace people guess from appearances, who can change their questions.

Back during the Han dynasty, the best prospective emperor killed a large snake
Herds of horses moved south across the rivers foretold big changes.
All of these dynasties in the end became exhausted and embraced sorrow
From their existence to now has been six hundred years.

Since then the ten thousand things have changed
Do not know how many of these ancient stories will continue to flow on.
Hard to compete with gifts of wine and food upon meeting each other
Old customs cast aside, only concerned about different wines and meats,

Bright moonlight, overnight jade-like main hall empty
Bones cold and spirits clear, sleep without dreams.
Mid-night chickens twitter and chirp away
Sun flies up, this visitor with a startled heart-mind.

Palace people in the accumulation trap, I cannot live here
As usual, farewells and departures bring difficult emotions.
Oars make this large boat begin to move, I turn around and look
For thousands of miles endless mists and water at sunset.
Tranquility brings to one what is real, and what is false within a society and its customs
Until today, only the Wuling people pass on and convey their beliefs.



Peach Blossom Water Source: Title refers to a famous poem of the same name by the Jin Dynasty poet Tao Yuanming.  See this website for the poem and others by him.  Another version of this poem was written by Wang Wei, a Tang Dynasty poet also on this website.

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