Han Yu: Mt. Hua Women

Mt. Hua Women

华 山 女
街 东 街 西 讲 佛 经
撞 钟 吹 螺 闹 宫 庭。
广 张 罪 福 资 诱 胁
听 众 狎 恰 排 浮 萍。
黄 衣 道 士 亦 讲 说
座 下 廖 落 如 明 星。
华 山 女 儿 家 奉 道
欲 驱 异 教 归 仙 灵。
洗 妆 拭 面 著 冠 帔
白 咽 红 颊 长 眉 青。
遂 来 升 座 演 真 诀
观 门 不 许 人 开 扃。
不 知 谁 人 暗 相 报
訇 然 震 动 如 雷 霆。
扫 除 众 寺 人 迹 绝
骅 骝 塞 路 连 辎 辆。
观 中 人 满 坐 观 外
后 至 无 地 无 由 听。
抽 钗 脱 钏 解 环 佩
堆 金 叠 玉 光 青 荧。
天 门 贵 人 传 诏 召
六 宫 愿 识 师 颜 形。
玉 皇 颔 首 许 归 去
乘 龙 驾 鹤 来 青 冥。
豪 家 少 年 岂 知 道
来 绕 百 匝 脚 不 停。
云 窗 雾 阁 事 慌 惚
重 重 翠 幔 深 金 屏。
仙 梯 难 攀 俗 缘 重
浪 凭 青 鸟 通 丁 宁。


Hua Shan Nu

Jie dong jie xi jiang fo jing
Zhuang zhong chui luo nao gong ting.
Guang zhang zui fu zi you xie
Ting zhong xia qia pai fu ping.

Huang yi dao shi yi jiang shui
Zuo xia liao luo ru ming xing.
Hua shan nu er jia feng dao
Yu qu yi jiao gui xian ling.

Xi zhuang shi mian zhu guan pei
Bai yan hong jia chang mei qing.
Sui lai sheng zhuo yan zhen jue
Guan men bu xi ren kai jiong.

Bu zhi shei ren an xiang bao
Hong ran zhen dong ru lei ting.
Sao chu zhong si ren ji jue
Hua liu sai lu lian zi ping. 

Guan zhong ren man zuo guan wai
Hou zhi wu di wu you ting.
Chou chai tuo chuan jie huan pei
Dui jin die yu guang qing ying.

Tian men gui ren chuan zhao zhao.
Liu gong yuan shi shi yan xing.
Yu huang han shou xu gui qu
Cheng long jia he lai qing ming.

Hao jia shao nian qi zhi dao
Lai rao bai za jiao bu ting.
Yun chuang wu ge shi huang hu
Chong chong cui man shen jin ping.
Xian ti nan pan su yuan chong
Lang ping qing niao tong ding ning.


Mt. Hua Women

Streets east and streets west, everyone is discussing the Buddhist sutras
Ringing bells and raucous noisy palace-like temple courtyards.
They tell everyone with pain or criminal background to repent in order to receive good luck and fortune
Listen to the Dao or Buddhist come-ons so people can stick together like floating duckweed.

Yellow clothed officials join the Daoist scholars to persuade and plea for followers
Recruits do not listen to the government spokesmen, who fall down like shooting stars.
Mt. Hua women and children respect the Daoist pleas
With their teachings, the newly converted expect to return with the immortals and deities up to the sky.

They bathe, put on their make-up, and wear conspicuous hats and embroidered capes
Clear white throats, reddened cheeks, long blue eyebrows.
With self-satisfaction they take a seat and learn the keys to success
Every door watched and bolted, only let the invited inside.

Not aware of which person is hidden, they talk to each other
Suddenly very noisy, rooms and houses move and shake like thunderbolts.
Buddhist temples swept clean of all the devout
Roan horses with black manes pull their covered wagon from one meeting house to another.

Daoist rooms full, have to wait outside for a turn
Arriving late, one would lack a place to sit and a spot to listen.
Took out their hairpins, removed bracelets, untied rings and waist pendants
Stored next to stacks of gold, piles of jade that are smooth and shimmering bluish-green.

Beyond palace gates, rich people make their imperial summons and edicts
Six concubine buildings want to see what is going on.
Nod your head with praise, they you can return to the heavenly immortals
Ride a dragon or sail upon a crane to go up into the deep blue empyrean.

The endowed and powerful families, their youth does not know the real Dao
In one hundred coils and circles their feet ceaselessly travel looking for the painted ladies.
Daoist pavilions with clouded windows, fogged-up features they sit in a confused trance

Layer after layer of emerald curtains, then deeper inside golden screens.
Difficult to ascend the immortal stairs, clinging to secular things have to be dropped in order to make the climb
Some rely upon the birds connecting to make a bridge, the worldly and corrupted have no such restraints.



[The title refers to the female followers of the daughter of Emperor Xuanzong, Li Zhen, who was involved with religious intrigue. During this time in Chinese history some of the Daoist shrines and Buddhist temples were used for other functions, not in line with their philosophies or with the blessings of the imperial government. The ranks of Buddhist monks and nuns swelled to a great number. Daoist shrines served as brothels in an attempt to attract more followers. This poem describes this unusual time and what was going on according to Han Yu.]

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