Li Bai: Evening Anchored at the Niu Islet to Reflect On the Past

Evening Anchored at the Niu Islet to Reflect On the Past

夜 泊 牛 渚 怀 古
牛 渚 西 江 夜
青 天 无 片 云。
登 舟 望 秋 月
空 忆 谢 将 军。
余 亦 能 高 咏
斯 人 不 可 闻。
明 朝 挂 帆 席
枫 叶 落 汾 纷。
Ye Bo Niu Zhu Huai Gu

Niu zhu xi jiang ye
Qing tian wu pian yun.
Deng zhou wang qiu yue
Kong yi xie jiang jun.

Yu yi neng gao yong
Si ren bu ke wen.
Ming zhao gua fan xi
Feng ye luo fen fen.


Evening Anchored at Niu Islet to Reflect On the Past

Evening at the Niu islet in the Xi River
Clear blue sky without thin clouds.
Climb into the boat, gaze at the autumn moon in the distance
Too bad I did not get a chance to meet General Xie.

Later, if you want, I too can express myself with advanced poetry
But the general will never be able to hear me.
With the onset of dawn, we will stow the mats and raise the sail
Maple leaves fall down, one after another.



Xi River:  Guangdong Province river that is a western tributary to the Pearl River.

General Xie:  (320-385 AD) Known as the Duke of Luling that was a leader and statesman during the Jin Dynasty (265-420).

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