Li Yu: Famous Qin Towers: (Thankful For New Kindnesses)

Famous Qin Towers: (Thankful For New Kindnesses)

秦 楼: 谢 新 恩
秦 楼 不 见 吹 箫 女
空 余 上 苑 风 光。
粉 英 含 蕊 自 低 昂。
东 风 恼 我
才 发 一 衿 香。
琼 窗 梦 笛 留 残 日
当 年 得 恨 何 长!
碧 阑 干 外 映 垂 杨。
暂 时 相 见
如 梦 懒 思 量。
Qin Lou: (Xie Xin En)

Qin lou bu jian chui xiao ru
Kong yu shang yuan feng guang.
Fen ying han rui zi di ang.
Dong feng nao wo
Cai fa yi jin xiang.

Qiong chuan meng di liu can ri
Dang nian de hen he chang!
Bi lan gan wai ying chui yang.
Zan shi xiang jian
Ru meng lan en liang.


Famous Qin Towers: (Thankful For New Kindnesses)

Famous Qin towers have not seen lady flute players
Windy scenery, enclosed orchard more than empty.
Powdered blossom stamens naturally soar on the wind
Eastern winds annoy me, they resent my preoccupations with her fragrances.

Find jade-like windows, daydream of her flute melodies as the sun disappears
For a year now, such long-lasting regrets!
Outside, drooping poplar trees, and bluish-greens spread everywhere
Temporarily we saw each other, think of these languid days like a dream.



Qin:  State of Qin (897-221 BC)

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