Meng Haoran: On the Way Encounter Sunshine

Meng Haoran: On the Way Encounter Sunshine
Meng Haoran

On the Way Encounter Sunshine


已 失 巴 陵 雨
犹 逢 蜀 坂 泥。
天 开 斜 景 遍
山 出 晚 云 低。

馀 湿 犹 沾 草
残 流 尚 如 溪。
今 宵 有 明 月
乡 思 远 凄 凄。


Tu Zhong Yu Qing

Yi shi ba ling xue
You feng shu ban ni.
Tian kai xie jing bian
Shan chu wan yun di.

Yu shi you zhan cao
Can liu shang ru xi.
Jin xiao you ming yue
Xiang si yuan qi qi.


On the Way Encounter Sunshine

Rain finally stops in Baling
Still come across many steep and muddy slopes.
Late afternoon the whole sky opens up
From the evening fog and clouds, the mountains emerge.

Remaining water still moistens the grasses
Tiny rivulets still enter the small streams.
Tonight have clear moonlight
Longing for my hometown in this distant and desolate place.

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