Ouyang Xiu: Lean Against an Orchid Terrace: (Valuable and Virtuous Times)

Lean Against an Orchid Terrace: (Valuable and Virtuous Times)

因 倚 兰 台: (惜 芳 时)
因 倚 兰 台 翠 云 亸。
睡 未 足,双 眉 尚 锁。
潜 身 走 向 伊 行 坐。
孜 孜 地,告 他 梳 裏。
发 妆 酒 冷 重 温 过。
道 要 饮,除 非 伴 我。
丁 香 嚼 碎 偎 人 睡
犹 记 恨 ,夜 来 些 个。
Yin Yi Lan Tai(Xi Fang Shi)

Yin yi lan tai cui yun duo
Shui wei zu, shuang mei shang suo
Qian shen zou xiang yi hang zuo.
Zi zi di, gao ta shu li.

Fa zhuang jiu leng chong wen guo.
Dao yao yin, chu fei ban wo.
Ding xiang jiao sui wei ren shui
You ji hen, ye lai xie ge.


Lean Against an Orchid Terrace: (Valuable and Virtuous Times)

Lean against an orchid terrace, undone hair like blue clouds
Not enough sleep, pair of eyebrows locked into a lowered position.
With stealth he crawls towards her stationary place
Working hard to calm the situation, stroking her hair to stir her to action.

Applying her make-up, she requests that the wine be reheated
She feels compelled to ask him to drink with her.
A fragrant herbal chew refreshes her breath, easy now to snuggle up
She fumes while recalling his few last night transgressions.

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