Ouyang Xiu: These Red Plum Tree Blossoms: (Hate a Delayed Spring)

These Red Plum Tree Blossoms: (Hate a Delayed Spring)

  红 梅: 恨 春 迟
欲 借 江 梅 荐 饮
望 陇 驿,音 息 沉 沉。
住 在 柳 州 东
彼 此 相 思
梦 回 云 去 寻。
归 燕 来 时 花 期 浔。
淡 月 坠,将 晓 还 阴。
争 奈 多 情 易 感
风 信 无 凭
如 何 消 遣 初 心。
Hong Mei:  (Hen Chun Chi)

Yu jie hong mei jian yin
Wang long yi, yin xi chen chen.
Zhu zai liu zhou dong
Bi ci xiang si
Meng hui yun qu xun.

Gui yan lai shi hua qi xun.
Dan yue zhui, jiang xiao huan yin.
Zheng nai duo qing yi gan
Feng xin wu ping
Ru he xiao qian chu xin.


These Red Plum Tree Blossoms: (Hate a Delayed Spring)

Make use of sending you these red plum tree blossoms and thinking of our sharing wine
Gaze into the distance towards a Gansu post station.
No letters of reply have returned
You live to the east of Liuzhou.

The fragrances of missing each other
Go out to look for returning dreams and clouds.
Swallows coming back arrive at the onset of blossoms and flowers
Crescent moon setting, dawn about to break under an overcast moon
Many emotions easily surface
Winds are reliable, unlike the human world
Where is the justice for those doing what comes from the best parts of the mind-heart.



Gansu: A province in northwestern China.

Liuzhou: City located in Guangxi Province.

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