Ouyang Xiu: Thinking of Upcoming Departures Gives Him Wine Illness and Unhappy Moods: (Talk of Innermost Feelings)

Thinking of Upcoming Departures Gives Him Wine Illness and Unhappy Moods: (Talk of Innermost Feelings)

离 怀 酒 病 两 忡 忡: 诉 衷 情
离 怀 酒 病 两 忡 忡。
攲 枕 梦 无 踪。
可 怜 有 人 今 夜
胆 小 怯 房 空。
杨 柳 绿,杏 梢 红。
负 春 风。迢 迢 别 恨
脉 脉 归 心
付 与 征 鸿。


Li Huai Jiu Bing Liang Chong Chong: (Su Zhong Qing)

Li huai jiu bing liang chong chong.
Qi zhen meng wu zong.
Ke lian you ren jin ye
Dan xiao qie fang kong.

Yang liu lu, xing sao hong.
Fu chun feng. Tiao tiao bie hen
Mai mai gui xin
Fu yu zheng hong.


Thinking of Upcoming Departures Gives Him Wine Illness and Unhappy Moods: (Talk of Innermost Feelings)

Thinking of upcoming departures gives him wine illness and unhappy moods.
Leaning against her pillows, dreams dissipate without a trace.
He pities her state of loneliness tonight
In an empty small house, her courage has grown timid.

Green poplar and willow trees, apricots soft red
Together they enjoyed spring breezes.
Faraway separation resentments
Every vein and artery connected to her heart-mind
Geese take her love communication on a long journey.



Love communication: In ancient China, geese were given the metaphorical task of transporting messages to and from lovers and good friends.

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Chinese Poems

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