Wang Wei Poem: Seeing Li off to Zizhou – 王维《送梓州李使君》

The poem "Seeing Li off to Zizhou" is a poem written by Wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, to send Li to his post in Shu.
Wang Wei Poem: Seeing Li off to Zizhou – 王维《送梓州李使君》












[1] 李使君:指东川节度使、遂州刺使李淑明,上元二年移镇梓州。

[2] 树杪(miǎo):树梢。

[3] 汉女:古时曾称嘉陵江为“西汉水”,故有此称。

[4] 橦(tónɡ)布:橦木花织成的布,即木棉布,为梓州特产。

[5] 巴:古国名,故都在今重庆。

[6] 芋田:蜀中产芋,当时为主粮之一。

[7] 翻:彻底改变。

[8] 先贤:去世的有才德的人。这里指汉景帝时蜀郡守文翁。

Seeing Li off to Zizhou

Wang Wei

The trees in your valley scrape the sky,

You’ll hear in your hills cuckoo’s cry.

If it rained at night in your mountain,

You’d see your tree tips hung like fountain.

Your women weave to make a suit;

You’d try to solve people’s dispute.

The sage before you opened schools;

Like him you should carry out rules.

The poet describes Zizhou and advises his friend to be a good magistrate there.


The poem “Seeing Li off to Zizhou” is a poem written by Wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, to send Li to his post in Shu. The poet imagines the magnificent scenery of the mountains and forests of Zizhou, where his friend was an official, as well as the customs and people’s feelings, and encourages his friend to create achievements in Zizhou and surpass his predecessors. The poem selects the scenery that best expresses the characteristics of the Shu region and depicts it with exaggerated techniques, so that the weather is spectacular and open. It is one of the most famous poems in Tang poetry about farewell, with a positive and cheerful mood and a high and bright tone.

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