Li Shangyin Poem: The End of the Sky – 李商隐《天涯》







The End of the Sky

Li Shangyin

Spring is far, far away

Where the sun slants its ray.

If orioles have tear,

Wet highest flowers here!

This quatrain may be said to be an elegy of spring, of the poet’s life and of his era. The place is far away and the time late, even a happy bird would be saddened to shed tears on beautiful flowers.


“The End of the Sky” is a poem by Li Shangyin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The poem is about the author’s descent into the sky and the waning days of spring. The first line is a straightforward narrative with a deep and poignant feeling; the second line uses the “thimble” frame, repeating the word “the end of the world” to point out the meaning of the poem; the second line has a deep and twisted meaning, which is a curious warning in the middle of the twists and turns; the final line has a curling tone, which is sad and moving. The poem is just twenty words long, but it uses the technique of putting emotion in the scene and transferring emotion to objects, expressing the meaning of extreme sorrow with extremely colorful words, which is as clear as words and yet poetic and colorful, and is very typical of Li Shangyin’s artistic creation.

Li Shangyin Poem: For the Cui Brothers at Luo’s Pavilion – 李商隐《宿骆氏亭寄怀崔雍崔衮》








[1] 骆氏亭:骆氏人家的园亭。

[2] 崔雍崔衮(ɡǔn):李商隐的表叔兼知遇者崔戎的两个儿子崔雍、崔衮。

[3] 竹坞:遍植竹子的凹地。

[4] 水槛:水上的栏杆。

For the Cui Brothers at Luo’s Pavilion

Li Shangyin

In the bamboo grove by the clean poolside I stay;

Separated from you by towns, I miss you far away.

The autumn gloom undispersed and late frost remain;

Only the withered lotus listen to the rain.

Passing one rainy night at Luo’s Pavilion, the poet thought of the Cui brothers far away and wrote this quatrain which describes his gloomy mood rather than autumn gloom.


The poem “For the Cui Brothers at Luo’s Pavilion” is a work by Li Shangyin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. This poem expresses his longing for his friend, and also his own feelings of loneliness. The poem is very simple and concise, using such ordinary scenery as bamboo dock, pavilion threshold, flowing water, and withered lotus to outline a clear and subtle mood, and to implicitly convey the author’s sympathy for Cui Yong and Cui Gon’s sorrow for the loss of their father and the poet’s own feeling of loneliness.

Wen Tingyun Poem: Early Departure on Mount Shang – 温庭筠《商山早行》












[1] 动征铎(duó):震动出行的铃铛。征铎,车行时悬挂在马颈上的铃铛。铎,大铃。

[2] 槲(hú):一种落叶乔木。

[3] 枳(zhǐ):也叫“臭橘”。一种落叶灌木。

[4] 驿墙:驿站的墙壁。驿,古时候递送公文的人或来往官员暂住、换马的处所。

[5] 杜陵:在长安城南,因汉宣帝陵墓所在而得名。这里指长安。作者此时从长安赴襄阳投友,途经商山。

[6] 凫(fú):野鸭。

[7] 回塘:岸边弯曲的湖塘。

Early Departure on Mount Shang

Wen Tingyun

At dawn I rise, with ringing bells my cab goes,

But grieved in thoughts of my home, I feel lost.

As the moon sets over thatched inn, the cock crows;

Footprints are left on wood bridge paved with frost.

The mountain path is covered with oak leaves,

The post-house bright with blooming orange trees.

The dream of my homeland last night still grieves,

A pool of mallards playing with wild geese.

This poem reveals the poet’s homesickness by describing the scenery.


The poem “Morning Walk on Shang Mountain” is a poem written by Wen Tingjun, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. The poem depicts the cold and miserable scenery of the morning walk during the journey, expressing the loneliness and strong homesickness of the wanderer outside, and revealing the disappointment and helplessness of people on the journey between the lines. Although the word “morning” does not appear in the entire poem, the six imagery of frost, cottage, rooster, human traces, bridge and moon delicately and exquisitely depict the unique scenery of the early spring mountain village at dawn. The poem is a famous poem in the Tang Dynasty, and also a famous piece in the history of literature for writing about the feelings of travelers. The poem is especially popular and highly respected.

Du Fu Poem: The Mourning Day – 杜牧《清明》








[1] 清明:二十四节气之一,在阳历四月五日或六日。

[2] 断魂:伤心的样子。

The Mourning Day

Du Mu

A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day;

The mourner’s heart is going to break on his way.

Where can a wine shop be found to drown his sad hours?

A cowherd points to a cot amid apricot flowers.

On the Mourning Day early in the third moon, the mourner’s tears mingle with the drizzling rain. This picture shows the commotion of man with nature.


“The Mourning Day” is a poem written by Du Mu, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. This poem is about what we see in the spring rain of Qingming. The first line gives an account of the scene, environment and atmosphere; the second line describes the characters, showing their miserable and confused state of mind; the third line proposes a way to get rid of this state of mind; the fourth line writes a reply with action, which is the highlight of the whole piece. The whole poem is light in color and bleak in mood, using the technique of rising gradually from low to high, with the climax at the end, which has a long and intriguing aftertaste.

Du Fu Poem: Spring on the Southern Rivershore – 杜牧《江南春》








[1] 酒旗:俗称“酒望子”。是酒家的标志。

[2] 南朝:指宋、齐、梁、陈四朝,南朝皇帝大都迷信佛教。

Spring on the Southern Rivershore

Du Mu

Orioles sing for miles amid red blooms and green trees;

By hills and rills wine shop streamers wave in the breeze.

Four hundred eighty splendid temples still remain

Of Southern Dynasties in the mist and rain.

This quatrain shows the poet’s admiration of the splendor of the Southern Rivershore.


“Spring on the Southern Rivershore” is a seven-part poem written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The poem not only depicts the bright spring light of Jiangnan, but also recreates the scenery of the smoky and drizzly buildings in Jiangnan, making the scenery of Jiangnan more magical and enchanting. The enchanting Jiangnan, with the poet’s delicate brushwork, becomes even more exciting. The four lines of this poem are all scenic, with many images and scenery, including plants and animals, sounds and colors, and scenery from near and far, combining movement and stillness, each with its own characteristics. The poem depicts a vivid, colorful and bold picture of spring in the south of the Yangtze River in a light-hearted and generalized language, presenting a deep and beautiful mood and expressing a deep and subtle thought, which has been well known for thousands of years.

Jia Dao Poem: Evening View of a Snow Scene – 贾岛《雪晴晚望》












[1] 樵人:打柴的人。

[2] 冈草:山冈上的野草。

Evening View of a Snow Scene

Jia Dao

Cane in hand, I gaze on fine snow;

Cloud on cloud spreads over the creek.

To snow-covered cots woodmen go;

The sun sets on the frowning peak.

In the wildfire bums the grass dried;

Mid rocks and pines smoke and mist rise.

Back to the temple by the hillside,

I hear bells ring in evening skies.

This poem is written after the poet’s failure in the civil service examinations.


A poem in five lines is written by Jia Dao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. It is a poem about scenery. The title of the poem explains the two kinds of scenery written in the poem: clear snow and twilight. The first couplet states the main idea and background, the middle two couplets describe the scene in the snow, and the last couplet describes the poet’s return to the mountain temple with a sound image. This poem depicts a cold and silent picture of an empty mountain at night. The verses are outlined in light strokes, and the imagery is cold and craggy, empty and silent.

Du Fu Poem: The Northern Pool Visited Alone after the Rain at Dawn – 柳宗元《雨后晓行独至愚溪北池》










[1] 宿云:因昨夜降雨,故称残云为宿云。

[2] 洲渚:指水中陆地。

[3] 明:照亮。

[4] 坞:村外障蔽物。

[5] 适:恰巧。

[6] 偶:偶然,一说投合。

The Northern Pool Visited Alone after the Rain at Dawn

Liu Zongyuan

Over the islets disperse clouds of last night,

The rising sun makes poolside village bright.

A tall tree overlooks the water clear;

Raindrops fall, startled by the wind severe.

Unoccupied, my mind is just carefree;

By chance the tree plays host to welcome me.

The poet is as carefree as the tree by the poolside.


The poem “The Northern Pool Visited Alone after the Rain at Dawn” is a landscape poem written by the literary scholar Liu Zongyuan in the Tang Dynasty. This poem depicts the morning scene after the rain at Yugi Pond, and the bright and beautiful scenery in front of him, expressing the joy of forgetting the worries for a while and being intoxicated by the fresh and bright nature, and also metaphorically expressing the poet’s belief that the red sun will definitely rise after the storm.

Liu Zongyuan Poem: Living by the Brookside – 柳宗元《溪居》












[1] 簪组:这里是做官的意思。

[2] 南夷:这里指当时南方的少数民族地区。

[3] 谪:流放。

[4] 夜榜:夜航。榜,划船。

[5] 楚天:永州古属楚地。

Living by the Brookside

Liu Zongyuan

Tired of officialdom for long,

I’m glad to be banished southwest.

At leisure I hear farmer’s song;

Haply I look like hillside guest.

At dawn I cut grass wet with dew;

My boat comes o’er pebbles at night.

To and fro there’s no man in view;

I chant till southern sky turns bright.

The poet sings of his leisurely life after his banishment to the southwest.


The poem “A Residence at the Stream” is an old poem in five lines written by the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Zongyuan when he was relegated to Yongzhou. The poem describes the poet’s relegation to Yongzhou, a place known as the “Southern Wilderness”, where he built a house by a stream and lived a life of leisure. On the surface, the poem is self-indulgent and enjoyable, but in fact it is a twisted expression of the poet’s sorrow and anger over his relegation, and between the lines it implies the author’s bitterness that his ambition cannot be fulfilled. In terms of expression, the poem is written without any pretense of elaboration, and is natural, plain and fresh.

Bai Juyi Poem: Sunset and Moonrise on the River = 白居易《暮江吟》








[1] 瑟瑟:原指碧色宝石,此处指江面上,残阳照不到之处的情景。因其为碧色,如碧石,故称瑟瑟。

[2] 可怜:可爱。

[3] 真珠:珍珠。

Sunset and Moonrise on the River

Bai Juyi

The departing sunbeams pave a way on the river;

Half of its waves turn red and the other half shiver.

How I love the third night of the ninth moon aglow!

The dewdrops look like pearls, the crescent like a bow.

This quatrain describes the poet’s love of the beautiful river at sunset and at moonrise.


“Sunset and Moonrise on the River” is a poem by Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. It is a masterpiece of landscape writing. The poet selects two sets of scenes from the sinking of the red sun to the rising of the new moon, and uses novel and clever metaphors to create a harmonious and tranquil mood. The poem’s language is clear and fluent, its tone is fresh, and its descriptions are detailed and true.

Du Fu Poem: Spring View in Hangzhou – 白居易《杭州春望》












[1] 望海楼:作者原注:“城东楼名望海楼。”东楼在凤凰山上,离州衙不远,是白居易喜爱的去处。

[2] 护江堤:杭州东南钱塘江岸筑以防备海潮的长堤。

[3] 伍员庙:杭州城内吴山(又称胥山、城隍山)上的“伍员庙”。

[4] 苏小家:指舞女所居住的秦楼楚馆。苏小,指南齐时钱塘名妓苏小小。

[5] 红袖:指织绫女子。

[6] 柿蒂:指绫的花纹。

[7] 青旗:代指酒店。

[8] 梨花:语意双关。作者原注:“其俗,酿酒趁梨花时熟,号为’梨花春’。”

[9] 湖寺:指孤山寺。

[10] 西南路:指由断桥向西南通往湖中到孤山的长堤,即白沙堤(简称白堤)。

Spring View in Hangzhou

Bai Juyi

Viewed from the Seaside Tower morning clouds look bright;

Along the riverbank I tread on fine sand white.

The General’s Temple hears roaring nocturnal tide;

Spring dwells in the Beauty’s Bower green willow hide.

The red sleeves weave brocade broidered with flowers fine;

Blue streamers show amid pear blossoms a shop of wine.

Who opens a southwest lane to the temple scene?

It slants like a silk girdle around a skirt green.

The General refers to Wu Yuan whose wrath against the King of Chu seems to be heard in the roaring tide. The Beauty refers to Su Xiaoxiao who was buried in the West Lake.\


The poem “Spring View in Hangzhou” is a seven-verse poem written by Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. This poem is a comprehensive description of the spring scenery in Hangzhou, and it is like painting a beautiful and elegant picture with five colorful brushes, overflowing with rich and lively interest in life. The first six stanzas have one scene and the last two stanzas have one scene. The seven scenes are all linked together by the word “look”, forming a complete picture.