Bai Juyi Poem: The Everlasting Longing – 白居易《长恨歌》
































































[1] 汉皇:指唐玄宗。

[2] 倾国:形容女子极其美貌。

[3] 御宇:治理天下。

[4] 杨家有女:指杨玉环,蒲州永乐(今山西永济)人。幼时养在叔父家。

[5] 眸:眼珠。

[6] 六宫:本专指皇后寝宫,后泛指妃嫔居处。

[7] 粉黛:代指美女。

[8] 华清池:华清宫温泉,在今陕西临潼。

[9] 凝脂:指白嫩光泽的肌肤。

[10] 新承恩泽:初受宠爱。

[11] 云鬓:形容女子鬓发轻盈飘逸。

[12] 金步摇:金制垂珠头钗,行则摇动。

[13] 春宵:春夜。

[14] 苦短:暗示欢愉无厌,故嫌夜短。

[15] 早朝:早晨上朝听政。

[16] 夜专夜:一夜连着一夜,整日整夜。

[17] 宫:后妃所居宫室。

[18] 佳丽:美女。

[19] 三千:极言其多。

[20] 一身:指杨贵妃一人。

[21] 金屋:用汉武帝“金屋藏娇”典。指杨贵妃所居之处。

[22] 醉和春:指酒与情同醉。

[23] 可怜:可羡。

[24] 骊宫:指骊山华清宫。

[25] 仙乐:形容乐声美妙,非人间能闻。

[26] 缓歌慢舞:轻歌曼舞。

[27] 凝丝竹:指歌舞紧扣乐声。丝竹,弦乐和管乐的合称。

[28] 看不足:看不厌。

[29] 霓裳羽衣曲:舞曲名。

[30] “九重”句:九重城阙,指京城长安。烟尘,烽烟尘土,指战火。

[31] 翠华:皇帝仪仗用翠鸟羽毛为饰的旗帜。

[32] 六军:此指皇帝的扈从部队。

[33] 婉转:缠绵委屈貌。

[34] 蛾眉:这里指杨贵妃。

[35] 花钿:金玉制花形首饰。

[36] 委地:落地。

[37] 翠翘:形似翠鸟尾的首饰。

[38] 金雀:钗名。

[39] 玉搔头:玉簪。

[40] 君王:指唐玄宗。

[41] 黄埃:黄色尘土。

[42] “云栈”句:高耸入云的栈道。萦纡,弯曲盘旋。剑阁,在今四川剑阁县东北大、小剑山之间。

[43] 峨嵋山:在今四川峨嵋县南,此泛指蜀山。

[44] 日色薄:日光黯淡。

[45] 圣主:指唐玄宗。

[46] 行宫:皇帝出行时的住所。

[47] 天旋地转:形容时局大变。

[48] 回龙驭:指唐玄宗还京。

[49] 玉颜:美女,此指杨贵妃。

[50] 沾衣:指落泪。

[51] 都门:长安城门。

[52] 信马:任马奔走,不加约束。

[53] 太液:池名。

[54] 芙蓉:荷花。

[55] 未央:宫名,此泛指唐代宫苑。

[56] 西宫:太极宫。

[57] 南内:兴庆宫。唐玄宗返京后的两处住所。

[58] 梨园弟子:由玄宗执教的宫内习艺者。

[59] 椒房阿监:后妃宫中的女官。

[60] 青娥:青春美貌。

[61] 萤:萤火虫。

[62] 思悄然:情意萧瑟寂寞。

[63] 迟迟:缓慢悠长。

[64] 耿耿:明亮貌。

[65] 河:指银河。

[66] 鸳鸯瓦:指嵌合成对的瓦片。

[67] 霜华:霜花。

[68] 翡翠衾:指绣有成双翡翠鸟的被子。

[69] 致:招来。

[70] 辗转:翻来覆去。

[71] 碧落:道家称天界为碧落。

[72] 汉家:唐朝。

[73] 揽衣:披衣。

[74] 觉:睡醒。

[75] 袂:衣袖。

[76] 寂寞:黯淡失神貌。

[77] 阑干:纵横流淌。

[78] 谢:告诉。

[79] 人寰:人世间。

[80] 一扇:一片。

[81] 但教:只要让。

[82] 殷勤:反复多次。

[83] 连理枝:不同根的树木枝条连在一起。

[84] 绝期:中断的时候。

The Everlasting Longing

Bai Juyi

The beauty-loving monarch longed year after year

To find a beautiful lady without a peer.

A maiden of the Yangs to womanhood just grown,

In inner chambers bred, to the world was unknown.

Endowed with natural beauty too hard to hide,

She was chosen one day to be the monarch’s bride.

Turning her head, she smiled so sweet and full of grace

That she outshone in six palaces the fairest face.

She bathed in glassy water of Warm-fountain Pool

Which laved and smoothed her creamy skin when spring was cool

Without her maids’ support, she was too tired to move,

And this was when she first received the monarch’s love,

Flower-like face and cloud-like hair, golden-headdressed.

In lotus-adorned curtain she spent the night blessed.

She slept till the sun rose high for the blessed night was short,

From then on the monarch held no longer morning court.

In revels as in feasts she shared her lord’s delight,

His companion on trips and his mistress at night.

In inner palace dwelt three thousand ladies fair,

On her alone was lavished royal love and care.

Her beauty served the night when dressed up in Golden Bower,

She was drunk with wine and spring at banquet in Jade Tower.

Her sisters and brothers all received rank and fief,

And honors showered on her household, to the grief

Of fathers and mothers who would rather give birth

To a fair maiden than to any son on earth,

The lofty palace towered high into the cloud;

With divine music borne on the breeze the air was loud.

Seeing slow dance and hearing fluted or stringed song,

The emperor was never tired the whole day long.

But rebels beat their war drums, making the earth quake

And “Song of Rainbow Skirt and Coat of Feathers” break,

A cloud of dust was raised o’er city walls nine-fold;

Thousands of chariots and horsemen southwestward rolled.

Imperial flags moved slowly now and halted then.

And thirty miles from Western Gate they stopped again.

Six armies-what could be done-would not march with speed

Unless fair Lady Yang be killed before the steed.

None would pick up her hairpin fallen on the ground

Nor golden bird nor comb with which her head was crowned.

The monarch could not save her and hid his face in fear;

Turning his head, he saw her blood mix with his tear.

The yellow dust widespread, the wind blew desolate;

A serpentine plank path led to cloud-capped Sword Gate.

Below the Eyebrow Mountains wayfarers were few;

In fading sunlight royal standards lost their hue,

On Western water blue and Western mountains green

The monarch’s heart was daily gnawed by sorrow keen.

The moon viewed from his tent shed a soul-searing light;

The bells heard in night rain made a heart-rending sound.

Suddenly turned the tide. Returning from his flight,

The monarch could not tear himself away from the ground

Where’ mid the clouds beneath the Slope he couldn’t forget

The fair-faced Lady Yang who was unfairly slain.

He looked at his courtiers, with tears his robe was wet;

They rode east to the capital but with loose rein.

Come back, he found her pond and garden in old place,

With lotus in the lake and willows by the hall,

Willow leaves like her brows and lotus like her face,

At the sight of all these, how could his tears not fall?

Or when in vernal breeze were peach and plum full-blown

Or when in autumn rain parasol leaves were shed?

In Western as in Southern Court was grass o’ergrown;

With fallen leaves unswept the marble steps turned red,

Actors, although still young, began to have hair grey.

Eunuchs and waiting maids looked old in palace deep.

Fireflies flitting the hall, mutely he pined away;

The lonely lampwick bumed out, still he could not sleep.

Slowly beat drums and rang bells, night began to grow long;

Bright shone the Starry Stream, daybreak seemed to come late,

The lovebird tiles grew chilly with hoar frost so strong;

His kingfisher quilt was cold, not shared by a mate.

One long, long year the dead with the living was parted;

Her soul came not in dreams to see the broken-hearted.

A taoist sorcerer came to the palace door,

Skilled to summon the spirits from the other shore.

Moved by the monarch’s yearning for the departed fair,

He was ordered to seek for her everywhere.

Borne on the air, like flash of lightning flew;

In heaven and on earth he searched through and through.

Up to the azure vault and down to deepest place,

Nor above nor below could he e’er find her trace.

He learned that on the sea were fairy mountains proud,

Which now appeared now disappeared amid the cloud

Of rainbow colors, where rose magnificent bowers

And dwelt so many fairies as graceful as flowers.

Among them was a queen whose name was Eyer True;

Her snow-white skin and sweet face might afford a clue,

Knocking at western gate of palace hall, he bade

The fair porter to inform the queen’s waiting maid,

When she heard that there came the monarch’s embassy,

The queen was startled out of dreams in her canopy.

Pushing aside the pillow, she rose and got dressed,

Passing through silver screen and pearl shade to meet the guest.

Her cloud-like hair awry, not full awake at all,

Her flowery cap slanted, she came into the hall.

The wind blew up her fairy sleeves and made them float

As if she danced still “Rainbow Skirt and Feathered Coat.”

Her jade-white face crisscrossed with tears in lonely world

Like a spray of pear blossoms in spring rain impearled.

She bade him thank her lord, lovesick and broken-hearted;

They knew nothing of each other after they parted,

Love and happiness long ended within palace walls;

Days and nights appeared long in the Fairyland halls.

Turning her head and fixing on the earth her gaze,

She found no capital’ mid clouds of dust and haze.

To show her love was deep, she took out keepsakes old

For him to carry back, hairpin and case of gold.

Keeping one side of the case and one wing of the pin;

She sent to her lord the other half of the twin.

“If our two hearts as finn as the gold should remain,

In heaven or on earth some time we’ll meet again,”

At parting, she confided to the messenger

A secret vow known only to her lord and her.

On seventh day of seventh moon when none was near,

At midnight in Long Life Hall he whispered in her ear:

“On high, we’d be two birds flying wing to wing;

On earth, two trees with branches twined from spring to spring.”

The boundless sky and endless earth may pass away,

But this vow unfulfilled will be regretted for aye.

This long poem relates the life-and-death love story of Emperor Xuan Zong in the Tang Dynasty and his favorite Lady Yang Yuhuan.


The Long Hate Song is a long narrative poem written by Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The poem can be divided into three main stanzas, from “The Han emperor’s love for the kingdom” to “The song of the neon dress”, the first stanza is about the love life of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang and Yang Guifei, the effects of their love, and the resulting desolation and chaos of the state and the outbreak of the An-Shi Rebellion. The second stanza, from “the smoke and dust of the nine-fold city” to “the soul never comes to the dream”, is about the mutiny at Mawei Stage, the murder of Yang Guifei, and the fact that afterwards, Tang Xuanzong thinks about Yang Guifei and is deeply in love with her. The third stanza, from “The Daoist priest of Linqiong, Hongdu Guest” to “This hatred is endless”, consists of forty-six lines, in which the Tang Emperor sends people to search for Yang Guifei everywhere and her meeting with the Tang Emperor’s emissaries at Penglai Palace.
The central idea of “The Song of the Long Hatred” is to criticize Tang Xuanzong for misleading the country with sex, which led to the An-shi Rebellion, and at the same time to sympathize with the tragedy of love between Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei, and to praise their undying love. The artistry of the poem is high. One of them is the selection and use of the original historical materials. Tang Xuanzong is both the maker and the bearer of tragedy. When writing about their sinful side, the poet pays attention to the point and tries not to damage their image too much, thus ensuring the harmony and unity before and after the tragic story. The second is the addition of romance to the story. Love can make the living die and the dead live, and such a power has not been depicted before. The third is the wonderful description of the characters and their psychological activities. The fourth is the positive portrayal of the pain of separation and love for each other, which not only occupies a large space, but also has many perspectives and variations. The fifth is the exquisite language, which is not only vivid, graphic and condensed, but also polite, fluent and rhythmic, making people recite it endlessly. Bai Park’s miscellaneous drama “Tang Ming Huang’s Autumn Night Wutong Rain” in Yuan Dynasty, Wu Shimei’s legend “The Story of the Surprise” in Ming Dynasty, and Hong Sheng’s legend “The Palace of Eternal Youth” in Qing Dynasty were all inspired by “The Song of the Long Hatred” in their conception, which shows its profound influence.

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