Wei Yingwu: Met Imperial Guard Yang

Met Imperial Guard Yang

逢 杨 开 府
少 事 武 皇 帝
无 赖 恃 恩 私。
身 作 里 中 横
家 藏 亡 命 儿。
朝 持 摴 蒲 局
暮 窃 东 邻 姬。
司 隶 不 敢 捕
立 在 白 玉 墀。
骊 山 风 雪 夜
长 杨 羽 猎 时。
一 字 都 不 识
饮 酒 肆 顽 痴 。
武 皇 升 仙 去
樵 悴 被 人 欺。
读 书 事 已 晚
把 笔 学 题 诗。
两 府 始 收 迹
南 宫 谬 见 推。
非 才 果 不 容
出 守 抚 惸 嫠。
忽 逢 杨 开 府
论 旧 涕 俱 垂。
坐 客 何 由 识
惟 有 故 人 知。


Feng Yang Kai Fu

Shao shi wu huang di
Wu lai shi en si.
Shen zuo li zhong heng
Jia cang wang ming er.

Zhao chi chu pu ju
Mu qie dong lin ji.
Si li bu gan bu
Li zai bai yu chi.

Li shan feng xue ye
Chang yang yu lie shi.
Yi zi dou bu shi
Yin jiu si wan chi.

Wu huang sheng xian qu
Qiao cui bei ren qi.
Du shu shi yi wan
Ba bi xue ti shi.

Liang fu shi shou ji
Nan gong miu jian tui.
Fei cai guo bu rong
Chu shou fu qiong li.

Hu feng yang kai fu
Lun jiu ti ju chui.
Zuo ke he you shi
Wei you gu en zhi.


Met Imperial Guard Yang

In our youth we were working for the imperial guard
Cannot deny our reliance upon the emperor’s personal favors.
Our whole lives spoiled and corrupt
Once we had to hide among the children of other families.

At dawn we held the pieces necessary to play our games of chance
At sunset we stole glimpses of neighboring professional women.
Our superiors unable to have the bravery to catch us
All they did was to stand outside on the white jade steps.

The Hot Springs spas had snowy and windy evenings
Chang Yang palace was surrounded by those carrying feathered arrows.
Your temperament did not involve knowledge or learning
Foolish and stupid drinking activities inside the wine shops.

But then Xuanzong departed to join the immortals
At every turn people bullied us during this time of illness and hunger.
It is too late to study for the imperial exams
But you are learning how to master the brush and write poetry.

Former palace workers begin to scatter away from the decaying capital
The people from southern palaces seem to want me in their bureaucracies.
Without their abilities, they send me to their far-flung regions
My job is to watch and protect the widows and orphans.

Suddenly met the honorable Mr. Wang
Talking old stories, our tears fall down.
Visitors sitting around wonder why we are so emotional
Only old friends can realize these feelings.



Hot Springs: Hua Qing is located about 15 miles east of the ancient capital of Chang’an. Built in 723 AD by Emperor Xuanzong.



Wei worked with Mr. Yang inside the imperial palace as a guard starting around the age of fifteen.

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