Meng Haoran: Across the River, Ask the Same Boatman

Across the River, Ask the Same Boatman

济 江 问 同 舟 人
湖 洛 江 平 未 有 风
扁 舟 共 济 与 君 同。
时 时 引 领 望 天 末
何 处 青 山 是 越 中。
Ji Jiang Wen Tong Zhou Ren

Hu luo jiang ping wei you feng
Bian zhou gong ji yu jun tong.                                                                                                    Shi shi yin ling wang tian mo
He chu qing shan shi yue zhong.


Across the River, Ask the Same Boatman

Tidal bore wave subsides, river now calm with no wind
Flat boat, together we cross the river.

Again and again look towards the horizon
Which of these green mountains are in the middle of Jiangnan.

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